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Guides for Grownups​

Browse our handy guides and informative articles focused on helping you navigate the ups and downs of parenthood. No judgement here, we promise!

10 Tips for Preparing for a New School Year

The new school year means new friends, teachers, clothes, and classrooms. It’s normal for children (and parents) to feel anxious about starting or returning to school. We’ve compiled a handy…

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Fun and Affordable Ways to Keep Kids Entertained Over Summer

The summer holidays are finally here! While children look forward to this long break from school, parents often dread the refrain "I'm bored" just a few weeks in. With a…

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3 Steps to Help Your Baby Take Their First Steps

Walking is a crucial part of your child's development, marking the transition from infancy to toddlerhood. It not only promotes physical strength and coordination but also enhances cognitive skills as…

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5 Timesaving Tips for Toddler Tidy-Up Time

Tidying up with toddlers can sometimes feel like negotiating bedtime when they're not sleepy. Toys strewn across the floor, books scattered about, and a sea of crayons can make any…

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How to Teach Sustainability through Play

As parents, caregivers, guardians and educators, we’ve got some big mountains to climb when it comes to our children’s education. Talking and teaching sustainability can be one of the harder…

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Tips on Teaching Colours: Theory, Mixing & More!

Everyone loves colours, they’re bright, fun and can even be a key personality trait. But did you know that some scientific studies have also determined certain colours can improve sleep…

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Post-Holiday Toy Rotation: Encouraging a Mindful Approach to Play

The holiday season often brings an influx of new toys and games into our homes, making it a pivotal time to teach children about gratitude and appreciation. The Montessori approach,…

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Every Age, Every Puzzle – Choosing the best puzzle for your child

When it comes to picking a puzzle for your child, it can be overwhelming. “Choose this to promote fine motor skills and dexterity” or “a 3-year-old should play with a…

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Gift-Wrapping 101: Eco-Friendly and Artistic Gift-Wrapping Ideas

Gift-giving is a cherished tradition in many cultures. It’s a gesture of love, appreciation, and thoughtfulness. But before the recipient sees the gift, they see the wrapping.

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Exploring Cultural Holiday Traditions through Play

The festive atmosphere of Christmas brings natural excitement and anticipation, especially among children. They look forward to annual traditions like decorating the Christmas tree and adorning the house with lights.

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Routine Disruption: Supporting Children During the Holiday Hustle

With the promise of days off from school and work – and plenty of playtime – the festive season is a magical time of joy and celebration for most children,…

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12 Days of Family Activities: Fostering Moments That Matter

The approaching holidays welcome a season of joy, giving and, most importantly, togetherness. At Hape, we believe that it's the moments spent with loved ones that truly make the season…

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10 Screen-Free Family Activities to Welcome Winter

We’ve curated 10 enriching and entertaining activities to help you step away from the screens and spend meaningful time together this winter season.

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Parenting in Tune: Music’s Role in Baby Bonding and Soothing

Navigating through piles of parenting books, forums and advice from well-meaning friends doesn't always equip us for those moments when our baby cries, and we're left guessing: Hunger? Fatigue? Maybe…

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